Tours for Trees
We are all too aware of the effects that we as a society are having on our environment; and we have witnessed the devastating repercussions of climate change first hand whilst touring our great land.
This is why we are wanting to help give back through ecotourism and ensure that for generations to come, they too can experience the vast beauties and wonders that our world holds.
To help do what we can, we are teaming up with Greening Australia, and making a donation to them for every traveller that accompanies us on our Melbourne bus tours.
Planting Trees is one of the best ways we can fight the fight against climate change – and so, every-time you come on tour with us, you can feel a little better about yourself, knowing that you have directly helped in greening our great land through ecotourism.Â
Buses are already one of the most environmentally friendly means of transport per person
Planting Trees is one of the easiest and most effective ways we can combat climate change
By simply stepping on our bus, you are helping give back to the environment!
1 Traveller = 1 Tree
*Estimation Only. Number of trees based on the average cost per tree to plant.

To find out more about what Greening Australia is doing to help fight climate change in a practical way, visit their website here.